Adarsha Sangha hasemerged to give a shape to all those welfare activities were initiated by thelocal youths; School Student and others motivated people of Dewanpasha Village.Although this organized initiative has been started on January 12th 1983under the banner of the Adarsha Sangha, but it has got legal identity duringthe year of 1999.
The Sangha was mouldedwith the inspirations of Swami Vivekananda for this dedicated services, Loveand social work for the fellow people, neighbors and the countryman. Consideringabove motivation, the initial support was receipt from a total number of 25people and few females determined to do some social works for the needy anddeprived people of the area.
However the initialservices were restricted within the educational support, financial support,support of complete marriage of girls, construction of village roads, provideblood to the patients etc. Later the effect of the dedicated service hasencouraged the more people to join their hands with the Sangha.
Institutions like NehruYuva Kendra (NYK) North Tripura District have also extended their support toutilize this Motivation and services in and around the Dewanpasha Village to mobilizeYouths in groups through the Sangha. The reflection of the services of theextended by the Sangha can also be measured with best Youth Awards for consecutive three year i.e. for the Year1999,2000,2001,and also District level best Youth Club Award 2002&2015, State Level Youth ClubAward 2015, has further encourages the members and Volunteers to give theirbest for the development of the people. Our CEO Sri Anjan Bardhan also received National Youth Award in theYear 2004.
Besides, Awards as thebest District Youth Club of North Tripura District for the year 2002 In theyear 2004 the Sangha had started Prayash Project (Micro- Credit Program), inthe year 2007 we lunched Grass – Root Resource Centre (GRC) Projects & inthe year 2010 we started Community Based Fishery Project under the guidance ofRGVN, Guwahati and TATA Social Welfare Trust, Mumbai.
In the year 2015 theSangha had started the 2nos Sub- Centre for Child Line Project in Jampui &Kanchanpur under guidance of Child Line India Foundation (CIF), Mumbai underMinistry of Women & Child Development Govt. of India.
Therefore, the Supportsand co-operation received from the organization like NYKS, Tripura, RGVN, Guwhati,RMK, Delhi, NEDFi, Guwhati, SIDBI, Guwhati, TATA Social Trust, Mumbai, TripuraState Pollution Control Board, CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION, Tripura State AIDSControl Society, Agartala, NVBDCP, Agartala, CMO, North Tripura, became ourguiding factors to continue our services aiming towards target development.